Be true...

Today on the Daily Nugget Mike talks about our unique calling in life. It is our job to discern our past and present to move forward into God’s future for each of us.

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Michael Conan
Keep on movin... Don't stop

Today on the Daily Nugget Mike talks about a key concept for disciples. Each of us has to wrestle with how to get through life’s challenges. Christians, like everyone else, face all kinds of temptations and challenges to quit. But, we are called to keep going.

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Michael Conan
Two things everyone must know

Today on the Daily Nugget Mike talks about two of the most important things we humans are made to do. Doing these two things well is how we know we are followers of Jesus. Learning to love well and demonstrate God’s goodness is THE call for all of us who call Christ Lord.

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Michael Conan
The God of many chances

Today on the Daily Nugget Mike explores the grace of God through the life of Peter. Peter made many mistakes, many, yet the one in sandaled feet restores him time and time again. Jesus meets us in our mistakes and offers us new life and new hope.

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Michael Conan
Beyond our Doubts

Today on the Daily Nugget Mike looks at a familiar story. Today we look at a character named Thomas. Jesus told him how to handle his doubts and to his credit Thomas listened and applied. It is a good lesson for all of us as we process ups and downs in our own faith journey.

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Michael Conan
The Call many don't want to get!

Today on the Daily Nugget Mike talks about a call many don’t want to receive. Yet, Jesus himself gave this call to his people. He lived it and then he challenges us to follow in his footsteps or in this case where his hands and side have been.

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Michael Conan
keep up or else!

Today on the Daily Nugget Mike talks about a funny little nugget within the resurrection story. John was kind of a little pill and he especially loved himself by comparing himself to others, especially Peter. Today Mike talks about the challenges of the comparison game.

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Michael Conan
Good endings are the best!

Today on the Daily Nugget Mike talks about one of the best endings to a story. God is in the changes hearts, minds and wills business. He takes people with doubts and questions and gets them back on track.

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Michael Conan
Blind Guides

Today on the Daily Nugget Mike talks about one of the most ironic moments in history. There was a sign on the cross of Christ that angered the Jewish leaders greatly, “King of the Jews.” Imagine your long-awaited king right in front of you and you miss it. Do we?

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Michael Conan