What is truth?

Today on the Daily Nugget Mike explores one of the most profound questions in scripture? You won’t believe who asks it and who answers it. May we come to know the king of truth.

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Michael Conan
Turns out failure is an option...

Today on the Daily Nugget Mike contemplates the failure of a hero of faith. Sometimes we think Bible Heroes spent their time walking on water and healing people with their shadows, but they had weaknesses too. And they had moments where fear seized them and made mistakes.

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Michael Conan
Original Ear Shot

Today on the Daily Nugget Mike talks about a legendary story of the Apostle Peter. He actually gets out his sword and cuts off someone’s ear. You won’t believe how Jesus responds.

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Michael Conan
Know your Place!

Today on the Daily Nugget Mike talks about one of the amazing things Jesus taught His disciples. He created a spiritual connection with them by giving them a place to connect with God. Do you have a place you connect with God?

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Michael Conan
Jesus came to bring us together

Today on the Daily Nugget Mike finishes up this series on why Jesus came. Today Mike looks at the prayer of Jesus and discovers a treasure for all of us to enjoy. We are made for unity, God wants everyone who puts their faith and trust in Jesus Christ to find a way to love and respect each other.

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Michael Conan
Jesus came so we could walk in wisdom

Today on the Daily Nugget Mike talks about a side of Jesus that you are probably familiar with, but it may still be a great reminder. Jesus was literally a know-it-all. Jesus knows everything about everything and everything about everyone. And he tells us he wants to share His wisdom with us!

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Michael Conan
Jesus came to turn sorrow to joy

Today on the Daily Nugget Mike talks about the redeeming nature of God. God cannot help Himself, He is always working for good. Even in our pain and sorrow, we can be confident that there is joy at the end of the tunnel, that is what God does!

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Michael Conan
Jesus came so we could be convicted

Today on the Daily Nugget Mike talks about the person of Holy Spirit and the primary role of Holy Spirit. What if the primary job of Holy Spirit was not to make us feel good about ourselves, but to lead us to know how much we, as broken people, need God’s forgiveness.

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Michael Conan
Jesus came so you could be hated!

Today on the Daily Nugget Mike explores a very strange promise of Christ. The world will not love his followers, in fact, they will hate us, especially if we are following Jesus. May we learn to follow him well and know that it is not we who are being rejected, but Christ himself?

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Michael Conan
Jesus came because we all need love

Today on the Daily Nugget Mike talks about love. One of the main reasons Jesus came to the earth was so that you could have a love relationship with God. No, this isn’t a romantic relationship. Mike talks about what this relationship looks like today on the podcast.

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Michael Conan
Jesus came to keep us on track

Today Mike continues his advent series from John 15. Did you know that when your life isn’t going well that it is God working? Whether you are walking closely with the Lord and bearing much fruit or far from the Lord, God brings challenges our way to make us more dependent on Him.

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Michael Conan
Jesus came to Empower

Today on the Daily Nugget Mike talks about John 15. Did you know that one of the main reasons Jesus came to the earth was so that we could be empowered to do what God purposed for our lives? Jesus even went as far as to say apart from me, you can do nothing!

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Michael Conan