Give thanks or tick Jesus off

Today on the Daily Nugget Mike talks about a story of gratitude. This story from Luke gives us a window into the very heart of God. From this story we learn how much thanksgiving matters. Hint: It matters a lot!

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Michael Conan
Gratitude, a Life Changer

Today on the Daily Nugget Mike begins a three part series on gratitude. Did you know “Give thanks to the Lord” is one of the most recurring phrases of the Bible? Mike talks about it today.

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Michael Conan
The Best thing Ever

Today on the Daily Nugget Mike talks about the most amazing gift we have ever been given. Generations of followers of God dreamed to have this gift, but it was not given to them. Instead, it was given to us. All followers of Christ have the gift of the very presence of God in us and with us.

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Michael Conan
Stuck to you

Today on the Daily Nugget Mike talks about the third person of the Trinity. Holy Spirit can change us more than anyone else. He is the greatest gift imaginable.

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Michael Conan
Say what, Jesus?

Today on the Daily Nugget Mike breaks down one of the craziest things Jesus ever said. This one thing is so crazy that it is almost impossible for the human mind to comprehend. And yet, it is beautiful and majestic.

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Michael Conan
Yes, Christianity is exclusive

Today on the Daily Nugget Mike talks about the exclusive claims of Christ Jesus. In John 14, Jesus claims that He is the way the truth, and the life and that no one comes to the Father but through him. Yet, this passage is not written out of despair, but hope.

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Michael Conan
Jesus loves betrayers?!?

Today on the Daily Nugget we meet another betrayer. Did you know that Judas was not the only disciple who denied and betrayed Jesus? Honestly, they all did, but you won’t believe this one who did! There might be hope for all of us who cave into fear.

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Michael Conan
Jesus likes Different

Today on the Daily Nugget Mike talks about the main thing that separates followers from Jesus from everyone else. Jesus said this one thing will make us different than all the people around us. And by it the world will know we follow Jesus and not someone else.

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Michael Conan
How did Jesus handle jerks?

Today on the Daily Nugget Mike talks about an example when Jesus came across a real jerk. This man pretended to be Jesus’ friend but ultimately betrayed Him. He sold Him out to Jesus’ enemies. In John 13 we see how Jesus handles his last interaction with this man, it will blow your mind!

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Michael Conan
One thing you can never quit

Today on the Daily Nugget Mike talks about one thing Jesus kept doing all the way to the very end. He calls his disciples to this radical discipline. We too must learn how not to quit this most important thing, which often means persevering.

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Michael Conan
Delivery from Darkness

Today on the Daily Nugget Mike talks about being delivered from Darkness into the marvelous light of Christ. This message of salvation is a recurring theme in Jesus’ teachings, especially in the book of John. Jesus is not afraid to shout out to the people that they need salvation from darkness to light.

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Michael Conan
Prepare to get cancelled

Today on the Daily Nugget Mike processes the rest of the story of Lazarus. All he did was rise from the dead and give Jesus the credit for it. You won’t believe what happens to him next!

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Michael Conan
Money Grubbing Politicians

As I write this post, I do not know who has won the presidency. What I do know, is that I benefitted greatly from our political process and trying to understand together the issues that face our nation.

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Michael Conan
Sometimes losing is winning and winning is losing

In an election where both men declared they were still going to win, neither appears to be ready to relinquish the American throne. Today on the Daily Nugget Mike talks about power. What do we do as humans when our power is threatened? Today we see how the Pharisees handled it and simultaneously how Jesus handles the challenge of losing it.

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Michael Conan
Happy Election Day!

Today is Election Day. And though the election may not be decided today, it will be over for us today. I don’t know how your candidate did, but I do know that today can be a great day no matter what because God’s only candidate won election for all of us!

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Michael Conan
No one Jesus!

Today on the Daily Nugget Mike talks about the greatest miracle Jesus ever did. The truth of this miraculous story alone is enough to show that there is no one in history like Jesus. He truly is the God-man, and worthy of our allegiance.

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Michael Conan
Do you give a rip?

Today on the Daily Nugget Mike talks about the shortest verse in the Bible. It is a verse that should mean a lot to followers of Christ. We are called to be different and Jesus models this difference with the way He loves His people.

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Michael Conan
living by dying

Today on the Daily Nugget Mike talks about one of the most amazing promises of all time. One could even say this single promise is the foundation for the entire Christian faith. Followers of Jesus are going to live forever.

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Michael Conan
Yes, Jesus is a showoff!

Today on the Daily Nugget Mike talks about a time when Jesus decided to create a moment where everyone will clearly see how awesome He is. They will have no other choice but to worship him.

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Michael Conan