Wisdom Wednesday - Bring out the barbarian!

Today on the Daily Nugget Mike talks about “barbarian” leadership. Yes, the name seems almost anti-Christian, but what if we could be a part of unleashing the warrior in others. The one who would enter into life’s toughest challenges and work for change?

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Michael Conan
Wisdom Wednesday - Anger is a killer!

Today on the Daily Nugget Mike talks about the subject of Anger. Did you know anger itself isn’t a sin. But, anger is a tough one for most of us, especially men. The Bible gives us a couple of directions to help us to handle it well.

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Michael Conan
Mike Conan - God is a home wrecker!

Today on the Daily Nugget Mike talks about the core identity of a Christian. Did you know God tells us that if we are in Christ we don’t truly belong here anymore, we belong somewhere else! As followers of Jesus we are called to wholeheartedly pursue life in the next world while living in this one!

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Michael Conan
Training Tuesday - Sometimes you are just too good for God!

Today on this Training Tuesday edition of the Daily Nugget Mike talks about goodness. Sometimes we can be too good to be used by God. Instead of humbling ourselves and depending on the Lord, we do our own thing to show God how great we are. Sometimes we run away from hard times when God is calling us to change our character and become more humble.

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Michael Conan
Freebie - The most important thing!

Today on the Daily Nugget, Mike returns after a couple days off. He shares something that God has been teaching him. This is something that God is teaching all of us, all the time. This thing is the key to all of life. It is the foundation for worship and life!

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Michael Conan
Wisdom Wednesday - Idiotic boldness? Or true discipleship?

Today on this Wisdom Wednesday edition of the Daily Nugget Mike talks about Acts 5. He asks us a simple question, is your life so devoted to sharing the gospel that you are suffering for “His Name”? Sometimes we confuse our calling and then we think that all suffering is righteous, but sometimes it just isn’t.

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Michael Conan
Training Tuesday - What is your goal in life?

Today on the Daily Nugget Mike talks about goals. He especially talks about the ultimate goal. This ultimate goal is the most important thing, from God’s perspective, for your life. Everything in life begins and ends with understanding this goal. This goal is simultaneously freeing and challenging!

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Michael Conan