Training Tuesday - Death by Pride

Today on the Daily Nugget Mike talks about something that can actually kill you. Believe it or not God really cares about Pride. It is used as a reason to actually execute people in the Bible! In a world that celebrates “self-pride” it is crazy to think about how much God hates our pride… but there is good news!

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Michael Conan
Motivation Monday - Make a resolution already!

Today on the Daily Nugget Mike argues that the entire universe is geared towards us making New Year’s resolutions. What if he is right? What if we live in such a radical culture of grace that God even works in things like New Years?!! Mike reflects on Genesis 1 and how it points us to take a look at our lives at special times and seasons.

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Michael Conan
Family Friday - One bad brother!

Today on the Daily Nugget Mike looks at one of the worst brothers in history. This king was so insecure, he used his power to make sure no one would come after his throne. In the end he was a selfish evil man and no one regretted his death.

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Michael Conan
Theology Thursday - Is God a Liar?

Today on the Daily Nugget Mike talks about King Ahab. Ahab is a lost king who forsakes the Lord. In the story of Ahab we get a glimpse into how God interacts with the World. You won’t believe what God does in response to Ahab’s behavior!

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Michael Conan
Wisdom Wednesday - Don't be an ordinary Joe

Today on the Daily Nugget Mike explores King Jehoshaphat. He may be one of the greatest kings of all time. He learned how to trust the Lord amidst life’s challenges. You will not believe how he leads the people of Judah to victory! Hint: It involves more guitars than spears!

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Michael Conan
Training Tuesday - Trust no one on earth!?

Today on the Daily Nugget Mike talks about king Asa from the Old Testament. King Asa got off to a great start and did many great reforms. But, his fears caught up with him when he felt pressed in on. Instead of turning to His God he turned towards human hands from deliverance. We too can face that temptation.

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Michael Conan
Family Friday - 2 things that can derail any family!

Today on the Daily Nugget Mike continues his reflection on the kings of the Old Testament. Today we learn about two things that can derail the best of families. How can you go in just two short generations from a king after God’s own heart to one who can think about nothing but himself.

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Michael Conan
Wisdom Wednesday - Did God really do that??

Today on this Wisdom Wednesday Mike reflects on an underpinning theme in the story of Rehoboam. How could God possibly allow and even orchestrate someone to make such a big mistake? The world we live in is full of craziness and sin, and so are we, yet God is the invisible hand behind it all. Marvelous thought as remember that the king has come!

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Michael Conan
Training Tuesday - A lesson from one bad dude.

Today on the Daily Nugget Mike talks about a little known king who basically ruined everything. His biggest mistake was following the ways of his father. Instead of listening to the wise people around him, he chose to listen to his buddies. His lesson is a good one for all of us.

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Michael Conan
Motivation Monday - Losing your dignity for Jesus

Today on the Daily Nugget Mike continues his advent series looking at Kings as we prepare for the return of the greatest King. He talks about a time when the most famous king, next to Jesus, made a huge mistake. He was later able to get a redo on this mistake and he went almost “crazy” overboard. He went so crazy he embarrassed his wife. When was the last time someone was taken off guard by your zeal for God?

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Michael Conan
Family Friday - The trouble with too much

Today on the Daily Nugget Mike reflects on the simple life. He looks at king Solomon who had the exact opposite of the simple life. Yet, in his book of proverbs he calls everyone to moderation. May we learn to be thankful for what we already have, in the gratitude we will find deep joy.

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Michael Conan
Theology Thursday - What is God interest in anyway?

Today on the Daily Nugget Mike continues his study of kings. He looks at another great king. Perhaps the greatest king of all time, David. In this podcast he discusses how God looks at the people in the world and the thing God is paying attention to most. Hint: it is not what the world is most interested in.

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Michael Conan