Family Friday - Crape diem or Carpe Diem?

Today on this Family Friday edition of the the Daily Nugget Mike reflects on some of the greatest advice he ever received. This advice has everything to do with families and children. Every day you have a unique opportunity to celebrate it or let it pass you by.

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Michael Conan
Theology Thursday - The Bible says so!

Today on this Theology Thursday Pastor Mike reflects on the “regulative principle”. The regulative principle is an idea for how our worship should conform to God’s standards as reflected in the Bible. The reformers, including Calvin, believed that worship was a sacred thing and that scripture prescribed a certain way to worship. Others believed worship should be free from regulations.

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Michael Conan
Wisdom Wednesday - Worship a Consuming Fire!

Today on the Daily Nugget Mike uses this Wisdom Wednesday to talk about another “Let us” statement from Hebrews Chapter 12. Part of what we are do in response to what God has done for us is to learn to worship with reverence and awe. God is to be set a part!

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Michael Conan
Training Tuesday - Let us be Grateful!

Today on this Training Tuesday edition of the Daily Nugget Mike talks about another “Let us”. This may be the most important one as we approach next Thursday. This let us is a call to gratitude. God cares how much we thank Him for the kingdom He has brought into the world and into our lives.

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Michael Conan
Motivation Monday - Another in the Fire

Today on this Motivation Monday Mike talks about facing the challenges of life with courage. He shares the story of Elisha and his servant. When all hope seemed lost, the servant was cowering in fear. Elisha shows him that they are not alone and that there is an invisible army to battle for them amidst their enemies.

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Michael Conan
Family Friday - Thank You! No, thank you!

Today on this Family Friday edition of the Daily Nugget, Mike talks about one of His favorite topics. This one area is so simple, but getting it right and teaching our families to get it right can make all the difference in the world. Would you be known by your gratitude? Would God look down at you and say “Look there is the one in ten who is joyfully grateful to me for all that I have done!”? Let’s be thankful!

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Michael Conan
Family Friday - Feelings... who needs them?

Today on this Family Friday edition of the Daily Nugget Mike talks about change. How do we become aware of the change God would have for us. He talks about a recent study he took part in this week from a man named Scott Reall. Have you ever thought feelings (i.e. hurt, loneliness, sadness, anger, fear, shame, guilt and gladness) could be God’s way of calling you to change.

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Michael Conan
Theology Thursday - Good or bad, who makes the call?

Today on this Theology Thursday edition of the Daily Nugget Mike talks about the nature of humanity. He delves into the age old conversation about what types of choices we make. Are humans designed good or evil? Are we even capable of evil or goodness? How do things change when we become a Christian.

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Michael Conan
Wisdom Wednesday - Let's do this! and that!

Today on this Wisdom Wednesday edition of the Daily Nugget, Mike talks about another one of God’s “Let Us” list from Hebrews. Today we look at God’s call for us spur each other to love others well and do what is good! Part of the core of the gospel is for us to become people who live it in the world with others.

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Michael Conan
Family Friday - Navigating the High's and Low's

Today on the Daily Nugget Mike talks about High’s and Lows. All of us can experience the greatest moments in our lives in one day and then it seems the very next instant finding ourselves in the greatest lows. The story of Elijah in 1 Kings 19 is a great example of this struggle!

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Michael Conan