Training Tuesday - a good tongue lashing

Today on this training Tuesday on the Daily Nugget Mike talks about taming our tongue. James 3 challenges us that the same tongue that praises God should not curse man made in his image. Have you ever taken the tongue challenge? Every disciple should do it!

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Michael Conan
Family Friday - The resurrected family

Today on this Family Friday edition of the Daily Nugget Mike talks about the impact the resurrection can have on our families. How can the most important event in world history impact us almost 2000 years later? The resurrection impacts all of life, including our family.

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Michael Conan
Wisdom Wednesday - Live in the moment

Today on this Wisdom Wednesday Mike talks about a life lesson he learned when they had their first child. This piece of advice has proved to be some of the best parenting advice he was ever given. May it impact you as well. Carpe Diem!

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Michael Conan
Training Tuesday - R E S P E C T A B L E

Today on this Training Tuesday edition of the Daily Nugget, Mike talks about respect. God wants his mature followers to be respectable. Being people who others respect and honor is an important part of our development. It is the goal of every disciple especially to live such a life that is honorable before God.

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Michael Conan
Motivation Monday - Greatest Motivation in History

Today on this Motivation Monday edition of the Daily Nugget, Mike talks about the greatest source of motivation for all of us. What would you do if you knew that whatever you were facing was short term? How would it change your life to know that there is victory in the end? Nothing motivates like hope!

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Michael Conan
Family Friday - Marriage wake up call

Today on this Family Friday edition of the Daily Nugget Mike shares a marriage story that deeply impacted him. It was a good wake up call for him and his marriage. Maybe your marriage needs a wake up call today, don’t be the guy or gal that one day hears those four words from your spouse … “I want a ___________”

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Michael Conan
Training Tuesday - From violence to gentleness

On this Training Tuesday edition of the Daily Nugget, Mike talks about learning to embrace others rather than push them away. This is especially tricky when we have been hurt. Mike reminds us that hurting people hurt people and encourages us instead to embrace the way of Jesus, forgiving others, bearing with them and showing gentleness amidst life’s hurts.

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Michael Conan
Theology Thursday - Jesus, our Great High Priest

On this Theology Thursday, Mike reflects on one of the most important roles Jesus plays in our lives. He is our high priest. Mike explains the role of a priest and what it would mean for us the people of God today. No matter what is going on, we are never alone in the world. God has not left us to our own devices, but has given us Christ to help us in all of our struggles.

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Michael Conan
Wisdom Wednesday - Walking in God's word!

Today Mike shares something that has helped him to live and walk in wisdom. Do you believe that God wants what is best for you? Do you believe God wants you to know His will and live into His will? Then believe that God can help you have a daily Bible reading time. Mike shares a program that has worked well for him.

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Michael Conan
Training Tuesday - Don't be like Solomon!

Today on Training Tuesday Mike talks about another aspect of our training as disciples. Learning to be people who walk in and seek wisdom. Wisdom begins with knowledge. As Christians, we follow Jesus, the wisest man in history. We are to be people who seek to understand more about life and always be growing. In the Bible, Solomon gives us a great example of a wise man who didn’t live into his wisdom. Walking in Wisdom is being people who learn AND apply life’s lessons!

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Michael Conan
Motivation Monday - Hard Workers Eat Last?

On this Motivation Monday Mike talks about a story that inspired him. He had a chance to hear the story of an amazing American Immigrant who went from laborer to owner in a few years. He did it all for one reason, you may be surprised what that reason is!

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Michael Conan
Family Friday - The secret to marriage

On this Family Friday edition of the Daily Nugget pastor Mike talks about the secret to Marriage. He shares the two most important things he has learned about marriage. The material comes from a book from Larry Crabb called the Marriage Builder. Put these two things into practice daily and you will be amazed how your marriage and family will be impacted!

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Michael Conan
Theology Thursday - Righteousness, the key to life!

Today on this Theology Thursday edition of the Daily Nugget, pastor Mike reflects on righteousness. Our soul’s desire for righteousness and how one attains it. There is only one way to get it on your own, do the right thing all the time. God sent Christ into the world to be righteous. He always did what was good and right and pleased the Father. We have a chance for this righteousness in our own lives, by grace through faith!

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Michael Conan
Wisdom Wednesday - Not just Living, Spiritual Living

Today, on this Wisdom Wednesday edition of the Daily Nugget, Mike reflects on one of the most amazing passages in the Bible, Romans 8. We as God’s people today have something in us that is different than everyone else. We have His Spirit to lead us and guide us. May we walk in step with the Spirit and experience life and peace as God intended.

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Michael Conan