Motivation Monday - March Madness!

Today on this Motivation Monday Mike returns with some inspiration from the crazy world of sports. Over the weekend things were pretty bonkers as he went through highs and lows. This is a tiny taste of what everyday life can be like if we are living in the madness. Yet, amidst the madness God beckons us to join Him and find peace.

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Michael Conan
Family Friday - Discovering the Power of One

The Bible does not have a lot of verses on marriage, yet no one would argue that it is a central theme of the scriptures. The Bible begins with marriage and ends with a different kind of marriage. In between it is filled with stories of marriages done well and marriages that have struggled. The main verse for marriage says that God’s goal for marriage is simple, it is oneness.

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Michael Conan
Theology Thursday - Jesus, the Mysterious God man

On this Theology Thursday edition of the Daily Nugget Mike reflects on the God man Jesus Christ. The uniqueness of Christ is what defines the Christian faith. Mike talks about the marvelous mystery of Jesus being fully God and fully human. This mystery is not easily grasped, but it changes everything because he changed everything.

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Michael Conan
Training Tuesday - Living in Kindergarten

Today is training Tuesday on the Daily Nugget. Mike talks the rhythm’s that a disciple finds for success. He unpacks a couple of key things for disciples to remember and keep coming back to in our lives. Getting these fundamental things right and into our routines will change us more than anything.

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Michael Conan
Motivation Monday - From Ashes to Glory

On this motivation Monday Mike shares the story of the founder of Promise Keepers Bill McCartney. He was a man who had seemingly everything. He had climbed to the pinnacle of one of the most demanding and manly positions in the world. Yet, he was also man enough to hear the voice of God and boldly change his behavior and seek to restore his family. Roughly 5 million men were impacted by his decision to be faithful to God’s call in his life.

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Michael Conan
Family Friday - Who is the boss??

Today on the Daily Nugget Mike talks about one of the most challenging passages in the Bible. He finishes up this week on authority by looking at the model for authority in the home. Getting this one thing right in your home can really make all the difference. Jesus is Lord, even in the home!

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Michael Conan
Theology Thursday - A God who Reveals!

Today on this Theology Thursday edition of the Daily Nugget Mike unpacks the concept of Revelation. God has not stayed off at a distance, but has revealed Himself to His creation. He looks at the three main kinds of revelation God has given us today. Each of them are very important and support each other.

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Michael Conan
Wisdom Wednesday - Understanding power

On this Wisdom Wednesday edition of the Daily Nugget Mike talks about power. He shares an important lesson he learned about leadership and life, power is very important. In every group and in every setting certain people have been given more influence than others. If you are called to leadership in the setting wisdom says to not run away from the power, but try to use the power for good!

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Michael Conan
Training Tuesday - There is only one throne

Today on this Training Tuesday edition of Daily Nugget Mike talks about the lordship of Jesus. He talks about the number one word used to describe followers of Jesus in the Bible. This word forms our identity and our relationship to God. As God’s followers there is only one response God wants to hear from us, YES LORD! Anything else is an oxymoron.

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Michael Conan
Family Friday - Grace Based Parenting

Today on the Daily Nugget Mike talks about Grace. He gives some examples and ideas of how families can incorporate grace into their parenting. As we think about what we want our kids to learn while we are under our care is there anything more important than them learning about grace.

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Michael Conan
Theology Thursday - It all begins with the Bible

Today on the Daily Nugget Mike talks about the Bible. The Bible is what keeps us from creating our own religion based on our person experiences feelings or thoughts. God has spoken to us through Christ and speaks to us today through the scriptures. It all begins with the Bible!

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Michael Conan
Wisdom Wednesday - Be gooder darnit!

Today on the Daily Nugget Mike reflects on what it means to live righteously. What is the foundation for our obedience if we do not have to obey anymore for God to love us. Mike shares about a moment in his life that changed him forever, this one insight put him on a different and better path in his daily living and decision making.

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Michael Conan
Training Tuesday - Coming Home, Finally!

Mike continues this week on the Daily Nugget to talk about the core of discipleship. Our world will never be the same when we discover that we are come home. Everything changes when we discover our true identity. Discipleship then becomes all about inviting the world to come home!

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Michael Conan
Motivation Monday - Comparisons are key... to misery!

On today’s Daily Nugget Mike reflects on what our hearts are searching to find. All of us are seeking approval and to feel significant. In this Passage from Luke 18 we see another vivid picture from Jesus of who we are to be and who we are not to be. May we become the kind of people who don’t compare ourselves to everyone to feel better, but who turn to God in repentance.

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Michael Conan
Family Friday - Habits that Change the World!

Today on the Daily Nugget Mike talks about discipline. How can we learn to develop habits that will make us become the people we want to become. Self Discipline is hard for most of us in the world today. What little things can we do to train ourselves for God’s purposes. If we can help our kids develop good habits they too can move towards God’s purposes.

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Michael Conan
Freebie Thursday - Do you hear God's voice?

Today on the Daily Nugget Mike shares two times this week where he heard the voice of God. One was a voice of comfort amidst an immense trial and another was terrifying. The Bible says the sheep will know the shepherds voice, as we pursue God we can experience His presence.

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Michael Conan
Wisdom Wednesday - What you Hate does define you!

On today’s Daily Nugget Mike talks about the importance of hate. Learning to hate some things seems crazy for the world that we live in. But, the Bible says God hates some things, many things in fact. In Proverbs we are given a path of wisdom and hating what we should is a very important part of that path.

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Michael Conan
Training Tuesday - The Core of Discipleship

On this training Tuesday Mike talks about the key for all disciples. Today’s subject is the lens by which we view the world. When we understand God’s purpose for our lives and the brokenness in ourselves and the world it can only lead us to one conclusion. We have to grow and growing in Christ is painful.

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Michael Conan