Motivation Monday - Kids can teach us a lot!

Today on the Daily Nugget Mike talks talks about something that his kids did that motivated him. In a world filled with goals and achievements and honors put before kids Mike shares a few simple things that inspired him. It is all about God and our neighbor! Sometimes kids are the best teachers.

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Michael Conan
Family Friday - The Most Important Thing in Parenting!

On this Family Friday edition of the Daily Nugget Mike reflects on the most important thing in parenting. He draws on Deuteronomy 6 and Ephesians 3 to show God’s main design for our children. When we get this one thing right in ourselves and teach it to our kids, it changes everything! Love God first!

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Michael Conan
Wisdom Wednesday - "The blessed life"

Are you living for God’s best in your life? When a sports heroes or other people experiencing success or joy and say “I am truly blessed”, they mean that they have tasted what is good and are excited! Yet, many of us do not pursue the actual blessing of God. You might be surprised what truly blessing is!

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Michael Conan
Freebie Thursday - Unleashing the power of God

On Today’s Daily Nugget Mike talks about an often misinterpreted and misunderstood verse. The misapplication of this verse has caused many to miss the power of God in their lives. Getting this one thing right is an absolute game changer. Knowing and doing this one thing changes the world more than anything else!

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Michael Conan
Training Tuesday - Pressed in for Jesus

On this edition of the Daily Nugget Mike talks about God’s solution for us being pressed in on every side. Many of us as His disciples go through times where we are being faithful to the Lord, but we still feel overwhelmed by life. God’s call in our lives is not meant to be easy. But, God offers us a consistent path when we face these struggles, He is our deliverer!

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Michael Conan
Family Friday - Are you Raising Horrible Kids?

On this Family Friday edition of the Daily Nugget Mike talks about a disturbing trend happening with kids today. Only the trend isn’t just with kids it is with parents. This trend is the opposite of the gospel of Jesus Christ. In the gospel we see God welcoming in His children through the gospel of Jesus Christ. Today’s lesson is one every parent should hear.

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Michael Conan
Freebie Thursday - A moment that changed thousands of families

Today on the Daily Nugget Mike shares about a moment that changed human history. This event occurred in one of the most remote parts of Virginia. A family was in a desperate situation and no one would help them. Finally an unlikely person stepped forward and changed their world and thousands of other people’s worlds by simply being faithful!

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Michael Conan
Wisdom Wednesday - There is only one wise path

On this edition of the Daily Nugget Mike talks about the path of wisdom. In the world today we are told that there are many great paths to choose from and that as long as we like our path it is good. Jesus does not affirm this way of think, but calls us to something radically different. Discovering Jesus radical way of life is the key to all wisdom.

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Michael Conan
Training Tuesday - Home is Everything!

On this Training Tuesday edition of the Daily Nugget, Mike talks about the focus every believer should have. This focus is especially important when we face struggles and challenges. There is something powerful about looking in the right direction and having the right frame of mind. May we look to Jesus the author and perfecter of our faith!

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Michael Conan
Motivation Monday - Plans Change!

On this Motivation Monday Mike talks about the most powerful opportunity of all, the interruption. Most of our interruptions in life are actually God’s invitations. Often our plans are not His plans and His ways are seldom our natural ways. So, when life is interrupted, we should pause and seek the Lord.

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Michael Conan
Family Friday - The Gospel Family

Today on this Family Friday edition of the Daily Nugget Mike talks about different homes and how they can impact our children. Our greatest blueprint for running our homes is given by God and how He Fathers us His children. First the gospel is experienced by us parents and then we pass it on to our children.

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Michael Conan
Daily Nugget February 7, 2019

Today on the Daily Nugget Mike talks about God’s plan. Does God have a plan or are we just doing our own thing in the world? How much is God really working around us? Are we alone in the world or is there really an invisible force working? If there is a force working around us, how should that change our lives and perspective?

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Michael Conan
Daily Nugget February 6, 2019

Today on this Wisdom Wednesday edition of the Daily Nugget. Mike talks about something that has changed his life and could change yours as well. Learning to live into this wisdom is a game changer. It is one of the main things we were made and called to do!

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Michael Conan
Daily Nugget February 5, 2019

Today on this Training Tuesday of the Daily Nugget, Mike talks about the challenge all of us face. Jesus’ call to love is not easy when we have been hurt. Mike encourages us to turn to a new love that will never fade in Jesus so that we may learn how to love God and love others again.

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Michael Conan
Daily Nugget February 4, 2019

Mike shares a story today that changed his life drastically. He talks about the absolute worst smell in the world and his battle to get rid of it. He challenges us today on this Motivation Monday to look into our own lives and spot the areas that God wants to heal us from today!

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Michael Conan
Daily Nugget February 1, 2019

On today’s daily Nugget Mike shares a word of inspiration he got for his family this week. He was inspired by the impact he could have on others by an amazing testimony of hospitality. Wouldn’t it be awesome if your family was impacting your community for Jesus?

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Michael Conan
Daily Nugget January 31, 2019

Today on the Daily Nugget it is Freebie Thursday. Mike talks about an American struggle that is nothing new. A struggle to be content and satisfied. Today’s podcast will give you a good moment to pause and reflect on what has your heart and if that is working for you!

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Michael Conan
Daily Nugget January 30, 2019

On today’s Daily Nugget Mike talks about something critical for living a wise life. This one thing has helped him more than anything else. When he has done this well he has found satisfaction in his roles in life. When this thing is lacking then no one has satisfaction. It is a good day for Wisdom Wednesday.

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Michael Conan
Daily Nugget January 29, 2019

Today is Training Tuesday on the Daily Nugget. Mike talks about what followers of Jesus do that makes them different from everyone else. By spending time with Jesus, studying His word and doing what He tells us to do, we become more like Him.

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Michael Conan
Daily Nugget January 28, 2019

Today on the Daily Nugget Mike talks about an inspirational verse for this Motivational Monday. Some might say this gem from Proverbs is an oldie, but a goodie. Today is a day for hope, because it is a day to trust!

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Michael Conan