An amazing God story

Today on the Daily Nugget, Mike talks about a story that came out of the retreat this weekend. He shares the testimony of a man who met Jesus in perhaps the most unusual way possible. God really can change us, the power of the gospel is amazing!

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Michael Conan
Who is King of your life?

Today on the Daily Nugget, Mike talks about having the Lord as our King. Everything in life is designed to lead us to a relationship with God where He is our King. This is where true life is found!

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Michael Conan
Bored with God???

Today on the Daily Nugget, Mike continues his discussion on the cycle from the book of Judges. He talks about what it is like when life gets boring. How do we handle it when we are bored with God? Mike shares the danger of it and how to avoid it.

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Michael Conan
A game-changing moment

Today on the Daily Nugget, Mike shares a story about when God spoke to Him and changed His life. It involves a surprisingly powerful piece of scripture from 1 Timothy 5. He tells the story of a son and his mom who is a widow.

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Michael Conan
The Compassion of God

Today on the Daily Nugget, Mike talks about the compassion of God. God is not like us, He doesn’t boil over or overreact to things around Him. He understands everything that is going on and shows compassion to those to His people amidst their struggles.

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Michael Conan
To Hell with Jesus

Today on the Daily Nugget, Mike talks about the cross of Jesus. He specifically describes how the cross of Jesus delivers us from Hell into Heaven. Today, we not only remember GOOD FRIDAY, we remember the best Friday in history for hell bound humans.

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Michael Conan
Jesus, money, and prayer

Today on the Daily Nugget, Mike continues to unpack Holy Week. Today He talks about Jesus’ indignation over the practices in the temple. Mike shares his own struggles with money and ministry and talks about the focus of the church… Are most churches missing something VERY important to Jesus??

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Michael Conan
Jesus weeps over lost people... do you?

Today on the Daily Nugget, Mike talks about one of the most profound moments in history. The king of the world pauses and weeps over the people who would reject them. More than anyone Jesus knows the consequences for this rejection, for He would suffer them Himself. Do we care about lost people this much?

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Michael Conan
The Best day ever???

Today on the Daily Nugget, Mike shares about his favorite Sunday of the year. Some might think it is Easter, and it probably should be, but Mike loves another Sunday even more. He explains why in this podcast!

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Michael Conan
Is life hopeless????

Today on the Daily Nugget, Mike talks about hope. What do we do when we, as followers of Jesus, find ourselves in hopelessness? How and where should Christians find hope?

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Michael Conan
A life touched by a mountaintop...

Today on the Daily Nugget, Mike talks about a mountaintop experience that deeply impacted someone who went on a retreat. It is amazing how getting away and focusing on God can help us stay right where God wants us to be… sign up for South Sound Men’s Weekend today,

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Michael Conan