All leaders have to transition...

Today on the Daily Nugget, Mike talks about the transition of Samuel from leader to supporter. It was a difficult thing for Samuel and he doesn’t handle it perfectly, but he does set a great example for how to setup and support the next leader.

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Michael Conan
Rotten Sons

Today on the Daily Nugget, Mike looks at the story of Eli and his disobedient children. How could such a godly man turn out such rotten kids?

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Michael Conan
Finding the Sweet Spot

Today on the Daily Nugget, Mike talks about finding the balance between being proactive and doing what God has already given us to do and being open and reactive to whatever God may bring our way.

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Michael Conan
no.... It isn't a "four letter word."

Today on the Daily Nugget, Mike continues talking about a new life in Christ and what it would look like. Today he talks about something that Jesus said is the key to our relationship with Him. You may be surprised what He said.

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Michael Conan
A life changer...

Today on the Daily Nugget, Mike talks about something that has radically impacted him. He thinks it is the thing that every follower of Jesus must do to be renewed. You cannot shortcut this key step if you want to find life in Jesus' name.

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Michael Conan
One trait of every Christian...

Today on the Daily Nugget, Mike talks about one of the core traits of every fully devoted follower of Jesus Christ. When we receive all that God has for us, we are changed. God puts us on a new path of generosity that defines every part of who we are!

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Michael Conan