The One Thing we all must remember!

Today on the Daily Nugget Mike unpacks the one thing the Apostles told Paul that he must never forget in his ministry. You will be a little shocked at what it is… And yet, when you live it, your life will never be the same.

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Michael Conan
What people think really does matter...

Today on the Daily Nugget Mike talks about the importance of having the approval of other leaders in the faith. Part of being a leader is making sure you are going in the right direction. God gave us each other to make sure we stay on the right pack.

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Michael Conan
Every word is true, even Paul's

Today on the Daily Nugget Mike talks about why we trust the writings of the Apostle Paul. Did you know there was a time that the church he planted doubted whether they should listen to him. In Galatians 1 and 2 we learn why we can trust the apostles writings.

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Michael Conan
So, you didn't make the cut...

Today on the Daily Nugget Mike talks about rejection. How do we handle it when we don’t get what we want or even worse are told we aren’t good enough? Mike talks about how God uses apparent failures and how sometimes success can actually be worse for us.

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Michael Conan
Better get this one thing right!

Today Mike talks about the importance of knowing the gospel. The apostle Paul was so passionate about the teaching of the true gospel that he said people who got it wrong should be cursed by God. Do you know the gospel that well?

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Michael Conan
The gospel of grace and peace

Today on the Daily Nugget Mike unpacks the greeting from the Apostle Paul. In this simple greeting we see the wonderful story of Jesus summarized. The gospel gives us everything we are searching for, God Himself.

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Michael Conan
Country Bumpkins and the gospel

Today on the Daily Nugget Mike reflects on the call given to the Apostle Paul. Yes, Paul was an apostle. As Mike begins this series on the book of Galatians he starts with Paul and the people in Galatia he is called to reach.

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Michael Conan
God doesn't love BP's more...

Today on the Daily Nugget Mike talks about our struggles to look at the outside rather than at the heart. And the good news that God does just the opposite. He cares about our character, more than our appearances.

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Michael Conan
The pressure is off

Today on the Daily Nugget Mike talks about 1 Corinthians 3:8. He talks about God’s great work in salvation and the parts we get to play in a person’s journey.

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Michael Conan

Today on the Daily Nugget Mike talks about Romans 1:16. We are called to be people who are unashamed for we have been entrusted with the very power of God!

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Michael Conan