Special - Jesus fulfilled it all!

Today on the Daily Nugget Mike talks about the mathematical possibility of Jesus with his life, death and resurrection fulfilling so many prophecies. This alone is enough for even the hardest heart to pause and explore Christianity.

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Michael Conan
Special - Everyone already knows!

Today Mike reflects on Romans one and God’s image being firmly planted in all of us. As we see the world, we will see the hand of God and everyone knows God exists. The Bible says we suppress the truth with our sin or “wickedness”. In other words we hide. This should bring each of us comfort as we don’t always have to convince everyone of something there is no way they could believe in it, but we show truth and let God work.

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Michael Conan
Conan's Moving

Mike takes a moment to explain his family’s decision to move back to Gig Harbor. It is a great reminder of God’s real presence in our lives each day. Let us trust the Lord.

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Michael Conan
Special - Time is ticking away

Today on the Daily Nugget Mike talks about time and how time unfolds linearly around us. We do not experience the same day over and over, but each day is a new day. The linear view of time can best be explained by the existence of a God who is outside of time beginning it all.

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Michael Conan
We are only human??? What??

Today on the Daily Nugget Mike talks about how humanity and the awesomeness of who we are shows us that God is real. There is no one here even close to us. And even if you insert Billions of years it is hard to get to imagine something so simple becoming as complicated as a human.

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Michael Conan
Special - Intelligent Design

This morning on the Daily Nugget Mike reflects on Intelligent Design. He talks about how the amazingly complicated world that we live in should impact the way we think about God. The more wonder you have the more God you should have!!

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Michael Conan
Family Friday - The most important thing in families

Today on the Daily Nugget Mike shares what he believes is the most important thing for families. What do you desire more than anything for your spouse and your kids? If you are like Mike you want more than anything for them to know and believe in Jesus Christ and accept Him as Lord and Savior. Mike talks about a plan for next week to share reasons to believe! So stay tuned.

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Michael Conan
Wisdom Wednesday - The Good Life

Today on the Daily Nugget Mike talks about the source of all wisdom. He challenges himself and others to walk in the goodness of God. Jesus teaches us that listening to His Word and putting it into practice is the key to a life that will stand up and be good amidst life’s challenges.

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Michael Conan
Training Tuesday - 100%, that is all

Today on the Daily Nugget Mike talks about God’s call in our lives to follow him. He talks about the radical call of the faith and confesses his own need to fully commit his life to Christ. All disciples have one thing in common, they are fully devoted followers of Jesus. Any system that doesn’t involve a new life in Christ by the power of the Spirit isn’t worth following.

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Michael Conan
Family Friday What's a wife good for?

This morning on the Family Friday edition of the Daily Nugget Mike talks about the amazing gifts that wives are to their husbands. What if part of of God how designed husbands and wives is to bring out the character of God in each other?

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Michael Conan
Wisdom Wednesday - Live like there is no tomorrow!

Today on this Wisdom Wednesday Mike shares a few stories of overwhelming circumstances that people found power to overcome, largely because they believed God wasn’t done working yet. He also challenges everyone to live like God isn’t done yet and that Jesus could come back tomorrow.

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Michael Conan
Training Tuesday - Pearls and Pigs

Today Pastor Mike continues his Training Tuesday teaching on being able to teach. Not only are we called to be people who learn and understand so well that we can communicate. But, we are also called to be discerning with whom we communicate. It is freeing to know that God not only orchestrates our learning, but also the ears that would hear our teaching.

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Michael Conan
Theology Thursday - The Monster within us is real!

Today on this Theology Thursday Mike talks about monsters. Specifically, he talks about the monster that lives in all of us. The more we study God, the more we will discover the evil that resides in us. Thank God that He has given us a remedy for our sin’s, Jesus the God man became sin for us!

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Michael Conan